For many years, the BCCA has maintained a set of Memorial Plaques bearing the names and titles of members’ Beardies from the past. A Beardie owner would donate money for Beardie Rescue (toward the Memorial Plaques), and a tag engraved with the Beardie’s information would be added to the most recent Memorial plaque. These plaques were displayed at every National Specialty.

One of the nine Memorial Plaques that once traveled to National Specialties
The Memorial Plaque program was recently discontinued because of the expense and difficulty involved with storing, shipping, and displaying an ever-growing number of plaques. Beardie owners may now memorialize their Beardies through the Bearded Collie Memorial Fund. In addition, the names and titles of the Beardies whose names appear on the plaques will appear on this page. The page will be updated as each individual plaque is decommissioned.
If your Beardie’s name appears on one of the plaques and you would like to have the engraved tag as a keepsake, contact Carol Bond, Memorial Fund Chair.
Note: The names on the following pages are listed in the same order as they appeared on the plaques. The plaques are more-or-less chronological. To find a your dog’s name on a page, hit Ctrl-F on your PC keyboard (Command-F on a Mac) and type in the name you want to search. You can also use the Search function on the upper right corner of every web page. If you find any misspellings or missing titles, contact the Webmaster.
Plaques 1 & 2
Plaques 3 & 4
Plaques 5 & 6
Plaques 7 & 8
Plaque 9