WKC Junior Showmanship Finals 1984: Gail E Miller with CH Gaymardon’s Bouncing Bogart. Photo credit: Callea. First Junior with a Beardie to place (2nd) at WKC.
The Gail E. Miller Trophy for Top Junior Handler is awarded to the top winning Junior Handler of a Bearded Collie junior showmanship classes at AKC-licensed shows.
The Gail J. Miller Junior Handler Scholarship, an educational scholarship in the amount of $250, is awarded annually to the individual receiving the Gail E. Miller Award for Top Junior Handler for such year. To commemorate this achievement, the recipient also receives a print of a specially commissioned watercolor painting.
The Top Junior Handler of each year is listed on the BCCA Awards By Year page. They are also listed below by year.
1977–Dawn Rieseberg
1978–Bob Sutter