Breeder mentors serve as the “resident experts” for our beloved breed, as well as ambassadors. They help to educate members and prospective judges on topics such as conformation judging, breeding, and history. At National Specialties, they typically assist the Breed Education Chair with seminars and ringside tutelage.
To become a mentor, you must fill out the Breeder Mentor Application, fill it out, and return it to Sharon Ipser or Nicole Conner, Breed Education Committee Co-Chairs. In addition, you must meet the following requirements:
- Member in good standing of the BCCA, and any AKC dog club in which you maintain membership
- Twelve or more years’ experience exhibiting in conformation with the AKC (documentation must include dates of exhibiting and dog club memberships and must be included in order to process application)
- Bred and raised five or more Bearded Collie litters on your premises
- Bred five Bearded Collie champions (whether or not owned or handled by the applicant)
- Member of the BCCA for ten years
- Attended an approved judges’ education Bearded Collie seminar sponsored by the BCCA
- Willing to work at Judges’ Institutes, National and local mentoring seminars
- Mentorship maintained by attending a national specialty at least once every three years and assisting with ringside mentoring or hands-on examination
- Special consideration may be given to an applicant with proof of substantial involvement in Bearded Collies and other AKC breeds at the discretion of the board
For more information about the Mentor Program, see the Guidelines for the BCCA Mentor Program for Conformation.
Contact Sharon Ipser or Nicole Conner if you are interested in this program.
Breeder Mentors
current as of September 2019