December Bagpipes
This month, the Bagpipes and Extras come in one edition. To see the whole newsletter, click on the Extra Edition link.
This month, the Bagpipes and Extras come in one edition. To see the whole newsletter, click on the Extra Edition link.
The preliminary ballot for selecting judges for the 2025 National Specialty will be available no later than November 30, 2023. There are now two ways to vote for Specialty judges: using the online ballot using the traditional mail-in method When balloting begins, members will be notified by club email, social media, the BCCA website, and the BCCA members’ list. Questions? Contact Karen Norteman, the Recording Secretary:
BCCA Membership Renewals Membership dues should be paid by August 1st. If you pay dues after August 1st, but on or before August 31st, a $5 penalty will be added. If your dues remain unpaid after August 31st, your membership will be terminated. You must then reapply as a new member. Notice to Breeders If you want to be listed on the BCCA website, you can use the Membership Renewal Form to enroll for a yearly fee of $25. All…