Frequently Asked Questions

Using This Website

Q. I have a change/update to the site. Who should be notified about this?

A. Just email the Webmaster.

Q. How do you open PDF files?

A. You will need to download and install Adobe Reader for your computer.

Just click this button

Just click this button

Q. How do Committee Chairs get access to edit their pages?

A. Just ask the Webmaster, who will set you up with your own login and password.

Q. I changed my email address/contact information.
A. Please email the Corresponding Secretary with your updated information. If you are a contact on this website, kindly send an update to the Webmaster, too.

Q. Some of the menu choices that used to be on this website have disappeared. How do I find those pages now?

A. That’s due to a limitation in the number of pages you can list in a menu. We’ve hit the maximum number of pages that will fit. You have three ways to find a page that no longer has its own menu item:

  1. Use the Search box in the footer of the web page (lower right side).
  2. Use the Site Map.
  3. Navigate to the main page for the topic for which you’re looking and check the page to see if there is a link to the page you want.

Q. Does the BCCA website accept advertising?

A. No, not at this time.

General BCCA Business and Finding Things

The menu navigation for the website is available on most pages. You can usually find what you’re looking for by looking at each category. In addition, the Quick Links on the right side of most pages will take you to some of the most-used information on the site.

Q. I no longer read the Bagpipes since it went to 100% online. How do I find out what’s going on in the BCCA?

A. There are three ways to get the information published in the Bagpipes:

  1. Read the emailed version sent to each current BCCA member via email
  2. Read the current and previous issues here on the website. FYI, there’s a link to the current Bagpipes under Quick Links on the right side of most pages.
  3. You may request a printed hard copy in the mail by contacting Elizabeth Hayes.

Q. When I read the MailChimp emails from the front page of the website, some of the links don’t work. Why?

A. That’s because we disable those links on purpose. They still work in the individual member emails. We disable links to members-only information, such as the Roster, Specialty judge ballots, and so on. If you need copies of members-only information and you don’t have your original MailChimp email, contact the Bagpipes editor or the Member Communications Chair.

Q. When are our memberships due?

A. All memberships are due starting July 1. Links to renewal forms will appear in the May and June Bagpipes, and also under Forms on this website. Note: You have until August 31 to fill out and send in your renewal with dues to the BCCA Treasurer. The Renewal Form is also displayed under Quick Links on the right side of most pages. It is the only link shown in red. If it’s not there, then the application deadline for this year has already passed.

If you have not sent your renewal by September 1, your name will be removed from the BCCA membership database, and you will have to reapply for membership. Likewise, the Renewal Form will also be removed from this website at that time. The Membership Application is also on the Forms page of this website.

Q. When are our Affiliate Club dues due?

A. Affiliate Club dues are also due on July 1, same as individual memberships. Dues are $25 per year. See the Affiliate Clubs page for details on how to renew and what to send to the BCCA Treasurer.

Section IX of the BCCA By-Laws discusses Affiliate Clubs.

Q. When is my Breeder Listing fee due?

A. You may now renew your breeder listing when you renew your BCCA membership. If you decide later on that you want to have a Breeder Listing, contact the Corresponding Secretary. Look here for all the information you need.

Q. How can I get a copy of the Roster?

A. The club sends printed copies to all members in odd-numbered years, and PDF copies in even-numbered years. Active members may contact the Bagpipes editor for copies of the Roster.


Q. I want to adopt a rescued Beardie. How do I do that?

A. Contact the Regional Rescue Coordinator nearest you. The Regional Coordinator will be your primary point of contact with Rescue.

Q. We have a Bearded Collie — or a dog we think might be a Bearded Collie — in our shelter/rescue. How do we get in touch with someone who can help?

A. Contact the Regional Rescue Coordinator nearest you. The Regional Coordinator often has a group of local volunteers who can help you identify the dog. If the dog is indeed a Beardie, the local volunteers will work with the Regional Coordinator to arrange help.

Here are some more resources that can help you identify whether the dog is a Bearded Collie.


Q. My dog was a winner at a past Specialty, but my win photo doesn’t appear on the page (or it does, but it looks terrible). How can I get this updated?

A. Please contact the Webmaster about sending a scanned copy of the photo in question. Thanks for helping to make the old pages more complete!

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