Minutes and Notices

Current Notices from the BCCA Recording Secretary

July 2024

BCCA Membership Renewals

The printable Membership Renewal Forms is available. The online Renewal Form will be available shortly. Your dues should be paid by August 1st. If paid after August 1st but on or before August 31st, a $5 penalty will be added. If your dues are unpaid after August 31st, your membership will be terminated. You must then reapply as a new member.

Notice to Breeders — Breeder Listings

If you want to be listed on the BCCA website, you can use the Membership Renewal Form to enroll for a yearly fee of $25. All the information needed is already in our database; however, if you have a website, you will need to enter the address in the space provided on the Membership Renewal Form. The link to the Membership Renewal form will go live shortly..

Guidelines for the BCCA Breeder Listing Program

The Corresponding Secretary shall maintain the breeder listing that will be published on the BCCA Website.

The list will be maintained on a yearly basis from July 1 to June 30, to coincide with the BCCA fiscal year.

Members may enroll in the Breeder Listing program for a $25 fee using the membership renewal form. Members may also sign up any time during the year by notifying the corresponding secretary and submitting the fee; the fee will not be pro-rated.

Information to be listed on the BCCA website is limited to the following:

  • Kennel Name
  • Owner Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • Website

Notice to All Affiliate Clubs

Each club secretary must send $25 dues, a current membership list, a list of officers and directors, and a calendar of dates for club meetings and sponsored events to the BCCA Treasurer:

Don Means
P.O. Box 1974
Elizabeth, CO 80107

The BCCA Affiliate Club Renewal Form is located here.

Nominations for Regular and Sweepstakes Judges for the 2026 National Specialty

Please send your nominations for regular and sweepstakes judges for the 2026 National Specialty to the Recording Secretary, Karen Norteman, webmonkey@bcca.us. Each BCCA member is entitled to nominate one person for regular classes and one for sweepstakes. Deadline for receipt of all nominations is September 1, 2024.

IMPORTANT: All nominations must include email addresses for the nominees.

A preliminary ballot with all nominations will be emailed to the membership with the November issue of the Bagpipes, and it must be returned to the treasurer no later than January 15, 2025. The top three candidates from the preliminary ballot for each position will 3be presented to the membership in a final ballot with the February issue of the Bagpipes, with the final ballots to be returned to the treasurer no later than March 20, 2025. Nominations of judges from other countries who are eligible to judge championship shows are allowed for regular conformation classes only.

Regular Conformation Judges Eligibility. All nominees must be an AKC permit or approved judge, or approved to judge Bearded Collies in another country. In addition, a US or Canadian BCCA member who is not approved by AKC to judge Bearded Collies may also be nominated if he/she meets the following criteria:

  • Is 21 years of age or older
  • Is occupationally eligible
  • Is knowledgeable of the breed with success in breeding/exhibiting/handling the breed for 15 or more years
  • Has a thorough understanding of the AKC’s Rules Applying to Dog Shows and Rules, Policies and Guidelines for Conformation Dog Show Judges, and the Bearded Collie Standard
  • Is approved by the AKC Judges Review Committee at the request of the BCCA
  • Is willing, if elected, to take and pass the AKC’s procedural and anatomy exam and submit a non-refundable $25 processing fee to AKC.

Sweepstakes Judges Eligibility. US and Canadian BCCA members in good standing, who are not eligible to judge Bearded Collies in any country, may judge sweepstakes at the national specialty. Nominees for sweepstakes should have at least seven years of experience as an exhibitor in conformation or as a breeder of Bearded Collies and have a thorough understanding of the AKC’s Rules Applying to Dog Shows and Rules, Policies and Guidelines for Conformation Dog Show Judges, and the standard of the breed, to be eligible for nomination.

Any judge officiating at the BCCA National Specialty will not be permitted on the ballot again until a two-year time period has elapsed.

Download the Minutes and Notices

This page contains Minutes and Notices for the current calendar year only. To see Minutes and Notices from past years, see the Archive page.

These documents are in Acrobat (PDF) format. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.



Annual Reports of the Committees

The Annual Reports archive is here.

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